Individualized Studies: Management Option (B.S.)

Individualized Studies: Management Option (B.S.)
students listening to another student speak
   Online Program

The online Bachelor of Science in Individualized Studies provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary or specialized study in the following focus areas: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Business and Finance, Health and Human Services, Management, Media and Communication, and Public Safety.

  Credit Hours: 120  |    Transfer: Up to 90 Credits  |    Tuition Cost

What is Individualized Studies?

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Individualized Studies provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary or specialized study in the following focus areas: Behavioral & Social Sciences, Business & Finance, Health & Human Services, Management, Media & Communication, and Public Safety. A proposal for the major must be submitted to Academic Affairs for approval. You will work with the Program Director for Individualized Studies to ensure that your program meets industry standards and meets all requirements for successful completion of a approved undergraduate degree.

Why study Individualized Studies at UNH College of Professional Studies?

An Individualized Studies degree, also known as an Interdisciplinary Studies degree, offers a customized and flexible approach to higher education. Instead of following a traditional  program of study, an Individualized Studies degree allows you to design your own curriculum by selecting courses from multiple disciplines based on your specific interests and career goals. In order to be approved for this program, you will need to think about your career goals or personal interests, what prior credits you have, and how to build a cohesive degree plan based on your goals. These selected courses work together to build a final integrative capstone project that can have more flexibility than a traditional major. This degree plan requires slightly more planning up front before approval, however it provides a tailored education based on your unique interests and goals, an interdisciplinary approach, flexibility, and adaptability particularly if you already have multiple college credits. This plan of study could be particularly useful for students aiming to meet the prerequisites for a specific graduate program, for transitioning to a different position at work, for gaining new skills for work promotion, or to finally pursue a specific program that suits your personal interests and allows for personal growth.

Students in Individualized Studies degrees choose this degree for a variety of reasons. Some are looking to complete specific pre-requisites for post-baccalaureate or graduate programs. Many already have careers but need to complete a bachelor's degree in order to be promoted or be eligible for additional opportunities. Many students have chosen this path to complete non-certification training or to become instructors within their current work environment. We have had police officers develop a Health & Wellness promotion program, several work on a degree plan to prepare them for promotion, some to become better writers, and others for specific social work, business, public service, or behavioral science career paths.

Potential Career Areas

  • Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners, and Investigators
  • Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists
  • Financial Analysts, Advisors, and Examiners
  • Fundraisers
  • Human Resources Specialists
  • Insurance Underwriters
  • Labor Relations Specialists
  • Loan Officers
  • Management and Market Research Analysts
  • Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners
  • Project Management Specialists
  • Property Appraisers and Assessors
  • Purchasing Managers, Buyers, and Purchasing Agents
  • Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents
  • Training and Development Specialists


  • Regionally accredited by the New England Commission on Higher Education, Inc. (NECHE).
  • Available fully online with select on-campus courses.
  • Affordable tuition.
  • Nationally ranked online programs.
  • About 89% of our students are transfer students. Making the most of your transfer credits is our specialty.
  • Career advising is available to all students and alumni. We also extend this service to those considering their college options.
  • Faculty who are subject matter experts and share their real-world expertise, helping you apply what you learn to your personal goals and career.
  • We’re experts at assessing credit toward your undergraduate degree – not only from previous college coursework, but also for other college-level knowledge demonstrated outside the traditional classroom.

  • Completion of our free, online application for admission
  • High school diploma, completion of a high school education in a homeschool setting under state law, or demonstrate high school equivalency.
    • Successful completion of one of the following exams will be required for demonstrating high school equivalency: the GED, HiSET, or TASC

Curriculum & Requirements

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Individualized Studies provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary or specialized study in the following focus areas: Behavioral & Social Sciences, Business & Finance, Health & Human Services, Management, Media & Communication, and Public Safety.

The Individualized Studies (IS) Degree is designed for self-directed students who seek to pursue a unique course of study not available through existing degree programs at UNH-CPSO. This flexible and customizable major allows students to tailor their academic journey to focus on a specific issue or topic in-depth, rather than following a traditional program.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 120 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 30 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.0 is required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: General Education Program
Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*GPA: Major and any state certification GPA requirements may be higher and are indicated in program details.
A minimum grade of C- is required in all Major coursework. Some programs may have higher grade requirements for Major coursework as noted in the Major requirements section below. Students are allowed a maximum of two course overlaps. Overlaps can be used between Major, Minor, and General Education requirements with only 8 credits overlapped between the Major and Minor. Please note that Option requirements are considered part of the Major. Students must complete 16 upper-level credits in majors within the College of Professional Studies, Online.

General Education Program Requirements

A minimum grade of D- is required in all General Education coursework. Students are allowed a maximum of two course overlaps. Overlaps can be used between Major, Minor and General Education requirements with only 8 credits overlapped between the Major and Minor.

All General Education requirements must be taken prior to the capstone.

ENG 420The Writing Process4
COM 460Interpersonal Communication and Group Dynamics4
COM 480Visual Communication4
CRIT 501Introduction to Critical Inquiry4
Select one of the following:4
MTH 402
Math for Our World
MTH 504
MTH 510
Knowledge of Human Behavior & Social Systems4
Knowledge of the Physical & Natural World4
Knowledge of Human Thought & Expression4
CRIT 602Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking4
IDIS 601AInterdisciplinary Seminar: Being Happy4
or IDIS 601B Interdisciplinary Seminar: Business of Beer
or IDIS 601C Interdisciplinary Seminar: Paranormal Activities
Total Credits40

Writing Program Requirements

All bachelor's degree candidates are required to complete four writing intensive courses as part of the University Writing Program Requirements as follows:

ENG 420
The Writing Process
One Writing Intensive course in the Major
One Writing Intensive course at the 600-level or above
One Additional Writing Intensive Course

Writing Intensive courses are identified with the label "Writing Intensive Course" in the "Attributes" section of the course description and/or a W following the course number.

Major Requirements

A minimum of 40 semester credit hours is required in the major with at least sixteen credits at the upper level taken at the University of New Hampshire.

The IS degree provides a path for students who wish to build a major that combines various courses into a distinct area of study. The IS major must be distinct from any existing program offered at CPSO. Courses in the major must provide breadth and depth of study and form a cohesive program. Students will work closely with advisors and program directors to ensure their major has both academic rigor and alignment with their career and educational goals. Prospective Individualized Studies students must submit a proposal after consulting with their advisor and program director and will need to be approved by the appropriate subject matter faculty and director.

Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses along with CRIT 602 Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking and IDIS 601 . Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. Academic Advisor approval is required for registration to be processed.


Open electives are courses students will need to take in addition to their general education and major requirements in order to satisfy the remaining credit totals for their programs. Open electives are defined as any credit course offered by the College not already included in the student's general education, major, option or minor. Students will need 120 credits total to graduate with a bachelor's degree from the Online Division of the College of Professional Studies.


Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the ability to be a self-directed student by determining individual academic objectives and activities and evaluating the resulting learning.
  • Attain proficiency in the knowledge, theories, methods of inquiry, and use of information resources pertinent to a substantial and coherent area of study.
  • Develop knowledge and skills in a specific discipline or clearly articulated interdisciplinary area at the introductory through advanced level.
  • Use ongoing reflective learning to articulate the progression and integration of one’s learning in the selected area of study.

Your Prior and Current Learning Counts

Many of our students can demonstrate college-level knowledge gained from military, workplace and volunteer-based training, and experiences. We are experts at helping students demonstrate learning and earning academic credit.

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