Undergraduate Apply Now

Our application is free and typically takes just minutes to complete. We have five terms each year and rolling admissions, so you can apply online for your bachelor’s or associate degree anytime.

Before proceeding, please note this important information:

  • Required for Admission

    A high school diploma, homeschool equivalent, or GED is required for admission.

  • Transferring Credit

    If you have earned college credit at another institution and would like it evaluated for transfer to the UNH College of Professional Studies, complete the appropriate information on the “Previous College Information” page of the application. Official transcripts are required for each college entered. Military servicemember or veteran? Request your military training transcripts Joint Services Transcript (JST) and Community College of the Air Force Transcripts.

  • Already Have a Bachelor's?

    If you already have a bachelor’s degree and are interested in teacher certification, read about our field-based post-baccalaureate teacher certification programs. If you already have a bachelor’s degree and you’re interested in obtaining a graduate degree, you can also explore our master’s degree programs.




How do I get a copy of my high school transcripts?

Contact the school district where you attended high school or your state department of education.

Can I reactivate my application?

Like many adult students, you may have begun the journey to complete your degree with strong determination to finish. Then, life happens. For any number of reasons, you may need to take a break from your studies. Work gets busy. Parents or children need extra support. Military deployment. Health concerns take priority. You have a lot on your shoulders, and we understand.  

Our goal is to make sure you earn the credential you are working toward so that you can benefit from the investment you’ve already made in your education. If it's been less than a year since your record was inactivated, and you previously took courses, you can reactivate. If longer, you'll need to complete a new application. For questions on the timing of your reactivation, email admissions.cps@unh.edu


Reactivate Undergraduate (for students that were inactivated within the last year)

How do I obtain a copy of my transcript from a college that is closed?

When schools close, the generally accepted practice is for the school to make arrangements with the state-licensing agency to store their records.  Find the contact information for the state-licensing agencies.