Wellness and Prevention (Minor)

Wellness and Prevention (Minor)
An older person in a gym working with resistance bands while a younger person leans in to talk to them
   Online Minor

   Get Started: If you would like to add a minor to your degree program, contact your advisor.

What is Wellness and Prevention?

This minor provides students with key concepts that impact mental and physical well-being. Students will study foundations for health and explore practices to prevent illness and disease. Obstacles and opportunities for health behavior change are addressed.

Why study Wellness and Prevention at UNH College of Professional Studies?

The Minor in Wellness and Prevention can serve as a supplemental course of study to your major, providing you with a solid foundation in understanding factors that impact mental and physical well-being, as well as practices to prevent illness and disease and increase healthy behaviors.

Curriculum & Requirements

This minor provides students with key concepts that impact mental and physical well-being. Students will study foundations for health and explore practices to prevent illness and disease. Obstacles and opportunities for health behavior change are addressed.
NOTE: This minor may not be declared with the following majors: BS Health & Wellness, BS Human Services: Wellness and Prevention, or BS Applied Psychology: Wellness & Prevention.

All minor courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-, and a 2.0 grade point average must be maintained in courses for the minor. Two courses must be at the upper level (600 or 700). Only 8 credits may overlap between major and minor.


Minor Requirements

Required Courses
HLTC 560Health Behaviors: Theoretical Foundations for Health Education4
HLTC 720Health Program Planning and Evaluation4
SCI 502Nutrition and Health4
HLTC 612Population Health4
or SCI 550 Wellness and the Human Body
or SCI 575 Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine
Select one of the following:4
HLTC 550
The Emerging U.S. Health Care System
MTH 504
SCI 604
Principles of Exercise Science
SCI 610
Contemporary Issues in Personal and Global Health
SCI 615
Fitness and Health
Total Credits20

Program Learning Outcomes 

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Determine the evidence-based best practices that are common to the field of health and wellness.
  • Recognize the health-related problems of an individual, a community or agency.
  • Apply knowledge of health and wellness concepts to determine interventions that affect behavior change and enhance the overall well-being of an individual or group.