Education Advocacy (Minor)

Education Advocacy (Minor)
Close up of a woman working on an ipad
   Online Minor

   Get Started: If you would like to add a minor to your degree program, contact your advisor.

What is Education Advocacy?

This minor introduces students to the issues associated with supporting individuals who have specific instructional needs. Students will investigate laws, mechanisms of communication, and specific accommodations associated with education of individuals with needs.

Why study Education Advocacy at UNH College of Professional Studies?

The Minor in Education Advocacy can serve as a supplemental course of study to your major, providing you with a solid foundation in understanding and supporting individuals with specific instructional needs within the educational system.

Curriculum & Requirements

This minor introduces students to the issues associated with supporting individuals who have specific instructional needs. Students will investigate laws, mechanisms of communication, and specific accommodations associated with education of individuals with needs.
NOTE: This minor may not be declared with the following majors: BS Human Services: Education Advocacy or BS Applied Psychology: Education Advocacy.

All minor courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-, and a 2.0 grade point average must be maintained in courses for the minor. Two courses must be at the upper level (600 or 700). Only 8 credits may overlap between major and minor.

Minor Requirements

EDC 506Young Children with Exceptionalities in Early Childhood Settings4
or EDC 716 Students with Disabilities
EDC 601Positive Behavior Guidance in Early Childhood Education4
EDC 701Special Education Law4
EDC 713Family and Community Relations in Early Childhood Education4
SOSC 610Multicultural Perspectives in Education4
Total Credits20

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify the instructional needs of individuals based on culture, race, ethnicity, or disability.
  • Communicate possible accommodations.