Social Studies / Elementary Education / General Special Education (B.S.)

Social Studies / Elementary Education / General Special Education (B.S.)
Smiling teacher in a classroom leaning over a college student's desk and writing something with a green pen
   Online Program

We offer two online certification options to pair with your Social Studies degree, helping to accelerate you towards your goals of becoming a teacher! 

  Credit Hours: 120  |    Transfer: Up to 90 Credits  |    Tuition Cost

What is Social Studies with certification in Elementary Education and General Special Education?

This comprehensive program prepares you to create engaging elementary classroom experiences that build historical thinking and civic understanding while ensuring every student receives the individualized support they need to succeed. For those dedicated to fostering inclusive social studies education in elementary schools, this specialized degree provides the credentials needed to expand both your impact and your career advancement potential.

Individuals who complete this dual certification program will be eligible for New Hampshire Department of Education teacher certification in Elementary Education (K-6 or K-8) and General Special Education (K-12). The program aligns with the NH Department of Education’s standards for teacher credentialing.

Why study Social Studies with certification in Elementary Education and General Special Education at UNH COllege of Professional Studies?

This Social Studies degree is a flexible program that provides a pathway to a career in education and eligibility for the New Hampshire Department of Education teacher certification in  Elementary Education and General Special Education. The key components of the program include mentorship of teacher candidates by highly skilled professionals in the field, hands-on experiences in educational settings, and the opportunity to build teaching capacity over time.

Potential Career Areas

  • Grades K-6 Teacher
  • Grades K-12 Special Education Teacher
  • Grades K-12 Special Education Case Manager

Course Highlights

  • Principles of Economics
  • Great Civilizations
  • United States History: 1865 to the Present
  • Themes in World History
  • American Government and Politics
  • The U.S. in World Affairs
  • Physical Geography
  • Statistics
  • Students with Disabilities
  • The Dynamic Role of the Special Educator Transition Planning and Developing IEPs
  • Teaching Language Arts and Literacy

...and more!


  • Regionally accredited by the New England Commission on Higher Education, Inc. (NECHE).
  • Available fully online with select on-campus courses.
  • Affordable tuition.
  • Nationally ranked online programs.
  • About 89% of our students are transfer students. Making the most of your transfer credits is our specialty.
  • Career advising is available to all students and alumni. We also extend this service to those considering their college options.
  • Faculty who are subject matter experts and share their real-world expertise, helping you apply what you learn to your personal goals and career.
  • We’re experts at assessing credit toward your undergraduate degree – not only from previous college coursework, but also for other college-level knowledge demonstrated outside the traditional classroom.

Programs leading to teacher certification or licensure are available to new students in New Hampshire, Maine*, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

*Maine teacher candidates must complete clinical work in placements located in York, Cumberland or Oxford county.

Specific requirements include:

  • General Special Education Certification
    Rhode Island requires that candidates hold a certificate in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, a content area certification in Middle or Secondary Grades in addition to a Special Education certification.

  • Completion of our free, online application for admission
  • High school diploma, completion of a high school education in a homeschool setting under state law, or demonstrate high school equivalency.
    • Successful completion of one of the following exams will be required for demonstrating high school equivalency: the GED, HiSET, or TASC

Curriculum & Requirements

Individuals who complete this dual licensure program will be eligible for the New Hampshire Department of Education teacher licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) and General Special Education (ages 5-22).

This program is for qualified participants working or volunteering in approved programs or education settings. The key components of this program include mentorship of the teacher candidates by highly skilled professionals, the hands-on experience of working with children in educational settings, and the opportunity to build your teaching capacity over time. Graduates of this program will be eligible for licensure in elementary education and general special education. Additionally, graduates of this program will be highly qualified in elementary education.

This degree plan is a sample and does not reflect the impact of transfer credit or current course offerings. UNH CPS Online undergraduate students should develop individual academic plans with their academic advisor during their first year at UNH.

Sample Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
COM 460 Interpersonal Communication and Group Dynamics 4
ENG 420 The Writing Process 4
HIS 402 Great Civilizations 4
MTH 402
or MTH 504
or MTH 510
Math for Our World
or Statistics
or Pre-Calculus
HIS 411 United States History: 1865 to the Present 4
COM 480 Visual Communication 4
CRIT 501 Introduction to Critical Inquiry 4
POL 450 American Government and Politics 4
Second Year
HIS 410 United States History to 1865 4
HIS 611 Themes in World History 4
General Education Course 4
CRIT 602 Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking 4
Elective 4
PSY 525 Human Development 4
ECO 470 Principles of Economics 4
SCI 470 Physical Geography 4
General Education Course 4
Third Year
or IDIS 601B
or IDIS 601C
Interdisciplinary Seminar: Being Happy
or Interdisciplinary Seminar: Business of Beer
or Interdisciplinary Seminar: Paranormal Activities
EDC 500 Foundations of Education 4
EDC 700 Introduction to Clinical Experience Nonclinical; Complete CHRC Process 1
EDC 703 The Dynamic Role of the Special Educator Clinical A 4
EDC 701 Special Education Law Nonclinical 4
EDC 716 Students with Disabilities Nonclinical 4
EDC 717 Positive Behavior Guidance and Student Engagement Clinical A 4
EDC 719 Using Technology to Teach Social Studies Clinical A 4
Fourth Year
EDC 718 Transition Planning & Developing IEPs Clinical B 2
EDC 721 Assessment of Students with Disabilities Clinical B 4
EDC 722 Strategies for Teaching Science Clinical A 4
EDC 723 Teaching Language Arts and Literacy Clinical A 6
EDC 724 Elementary School Mathematics Methods Clinical A 4
EDC 798 Culminating Teaching Experience and Seminar Clinical A 4
 Total Credits121

Note: Only 1 Clinical A course allowed per term

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 120 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 30 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.0 is required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: General Education Program
Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*GPA: Major and any state certification GPA requirements may be higher and are indicated in program details.
A minimum grade of C- is required in all Major coursework. Some programs may have higher grade requirements for Major coursework as noted in the Major requirements section below. Students are allowed a maximum of two course overlaps. Overlaps can be used between Major, Minor, and General Education requirements with only 8 credits overlapped between the Major and Minor. Please note that Option requirements are considered part of the Major. Students must complete 16 upper-level credits in majors within the College of Professional Studies, Online.

General Education Program Requirements

A minimum grade of D- is required in all General Education coursework. Students are allowed a maximum of two course overlaps. Overlaps can be used between Major, Minor and General Education requirements with only 8 credits overlapped between the Major and Minor.

All General Education requirements must be taken prior to the capstone.

ENG 420The Writing Process4
COM 460Interpersonal Communication and Group Dynamics4
COM 480Visual Communication4
CRIT 501Introduction to Critical Inquiry4
Select one of the following:4
MTH 402
Math for Our World
MTH 504
MTH 510
Knowledge of Human Behavior & Social Systems: PSY 5254
Knowledge of the Physical & Natural World4
Knowledge of Human Thought & Expression4
CRIT 602Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking4
IDIS 601AInterdisciplinary Seminar: Being Happy4
or IDIS 601B Interdisciplinary Seminar: Business of Beer
or IDIS 601C Interdisciplinary Seminar: Paranormal Activities
Total Credits40

Writing Program Requirements

All bachelor's degree candidates are required to complete four writing intensive courses as part of the University Writing Program Requirements as follows:

ENG 420
The Writing Process
One Writing Intensive course in the Major
One Writing Intensive course at the 600-level or above
One Additional Writing Intensive Course

Writing Intensive courses are identified with the label "Writing Intensive Course" in the "Attributes" section of the course description and/or a W following the course number.

Major Requirements

minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for state licensure.

Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete all General Education program requirements. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. Refer to the Degree Plan for a sample course sequence. Academic Advisor approval is required for registration to be processed.

Major in Social Science, EE & GSE
ECO 470Principles of Economics4
HIS 402Great Civilizations4
HIS 410United States History to 18654
HIS 411United States History: 1865 to the Present4
HIS 611Themes in World History4
POL 450American Government and Politics4
SCI 470Physical Geography4
Declaration of Candidacy Form Required 1
Basic Academic Skills Assessment (BASA) Required 2
EDC 500Foundations of Education4
Introductory Level Education Courses
EDC 700Introduction to Clinical Experience1
EDC 701Special Education Law4
EDC 703The Dynamic Role of the Special Educator4
EDC 716Students with Disabilities4
EDC 717Positive Behavior Guidance and Student Engagement4
Intermediate Level Education Courses
EDC 718Transition Planning & Developing IEPs2
EDC 721Assessment of Students with Disabilities4
EDC 719Using Technology to Teach Social Studies4
EDC 722Strategies for Teaching Science4
Advanced Level Education Courses
EDC 723Teaching Language Arts and Literacy6
EDC 724Elementary School Mathematics Methods4
or EDC 733 Middle Level Mathematics Methods
EDC 798Culminating Teaching Experience and Seminar4
Total Credits77

Required prior to beginning the last 60 credits of degree program


Passing BASA scores must be submitted prior to taking EDC 700 Introduction to Clinical Experience


Open electives are courses students will need to take in addition to their general education and major requirements in order to satisfy the remaining credit totals for their programs. Open electives are defined as any credit course offered by the College not already included in the student's general education, major, option or minor. Students will need 120 credits total to graduate with a bachelor's degree from the Online Division of the College of Professional Studies.

State Licensure Requirements

The following requirements must be completed in order to be recommended to the state for Teacher licensure:

  • minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for state licensure.
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills For Educators Exam required. Passing Praxis Core Exam scores must be submitted prior to taking EDC 700 Introduction to Clinical Experience .
  • Praxis II-Elementary Education Multiple Subject required. Students must attempt to pass a Praxis II exam prior to taking the Culminating Teaching Experience & Seminar. Passing exam scores are required for State Certification.
  • Pearson Foundations of Reading Exam required. Passing Pearson Foundations of Reading Exam Scores must be submitted prior to taking the Culminating Teaching Experience & Seminar.

Candidates who qualify for K-8 certification must also complete a Praxis II-Middle School Content Exam and 15 content area credits.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a working understanding of current brain research and its implications for teaching and learning.
  • Develop the skills to access and utilize technology as a tool to empower teaching and learning.
  • Develop a solid understanding of the utilization of formative and summative assessment for program design, monitoring student progress and evaluating teaching effectiveness.
  • Work with colleagues to observe, analyze and provide feedback on student progress and teaching effectiveness.
  • Utilize research methods and materials, pedagogies and assessment strategies to teach for understanding and application specific to content area.
  • Analyze current societal trends and issues through the context of events from pre-history to the modern era, inclusive of cultural, political, religious, technological, and scientific changes.
  • Employ disciplinary methodologies to describe how the patterns of cultural interaction, interdependence, religion, migration, conflict, and trade affect globalization, nationalism, and environmental changes.
  • Attribute how societal development and global interactions are shaped by political structures, ideologies of government, and policies.
  • Employ scientific methods to explain the functions and processes of geophysical phenomena and the role humans play in its formation.

Professional Licensure/Certification Disclosures

The University of New Hampshire offers a number of academic programs designed to lead to professional licensure or certification in New Hampshire. However,  completing a UNH degree/program does not guarantee professional licensure or certification. Eligibility may also depend on factors like years of work experience, professional examinations, passing a background check, and other criteria.

UNH does not guarantee that its professional licensure programs will satisfy the criteria of professional licensure boards in other states. Some states maintain different requirements for professional licensure or certification and requirements can change frequently. Federal regulations require the University to make public disclosure of certain information regarding professional licensure or certification programs, regardless of the modality the program is offered (i.e., in-person or online). The University provides guidance below but recommends students contact their state/territory licensing or certification board to ensure a program meets specific state/territory requirements.

Visit the Office of the Registrar's website for information about whether this program meets professional licensure requirements in your state.

Your Prior and Current Learning Counts

Many of our students can demonstrate college-level knowledge gained from military, workplace and volunteer-based training, and experiences. We are experts at helping students demonstrate learning and earning academic credit.

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Attend a Teacher Prep Info Session

We have online Information Sessions regularly scheduled, which give you valuable insights into our teacher certification options.

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Career Outcomes

Talk with your advisor to discuss how your program, experience, and goals align.