The UNH College of Professional Studies congratulates students who earned recognition on the Dean’s List for the 2023 Winter and Spring academic terms. This achievement is reached when degree-seeking students meet the following criteria:
- Complete a minimum of 12 credits toward the degree, with no grade below a C and no incomplete courses, for two consecutive terms (summer/fall or winter/spring)
- Have a minimum combined grade point average of 3.75 for the terms under consideration, with no grade below a C during those terms
Congratulations to the following students:
- Amanda Adams of Laconia, NH
- Jessica Allbee of Rochester, NH
- Brynn Allen of Portsmouth, NH
- Emma Anderson of Chaplin, CT
- Katherine Antczak of Hampstead, NH
- Jessica Ardolino-Puleo of Hudson, NH
- Maggie Atkins of Washington, NH
- Abigail Baker of Dover, NH
- Jacob Bancroft of Laconia, NH
- Caelis Barsaleau of Rumney, NH
- Amanda Bates of Northfield, NH
- Colton Bedgood of Milton, NH
- Andrew Beechel of Bow , NH
- Alexandra Bell of Sturbridge, MA
- Katie Bennett of Berlin, NH
- Andrea Bernard of North Walpole, NH
- Ryan Bernier of Rochester, NH
- Melissa Bigelow of Greenland, NH
- Janine Bilodeau of Milford, NH
- Matthew Black of Portsmouth, NH
- Makayla Blanchette of Lebanon, ME
- Tessa Blood of Concord, NH
- Amanda Bonaventura of Milton Mills, NH
- Jennifer Booth of Sanbornton, NH
- Justin Borden of Belmont, NH
- Michael Bowen of Epsom, NH
- Erika Brackett of Silver Lake, NH
- Linda Bresnahan of York, ME
- Kathleen Brunette of Manchester, NH
- Sara Burds of Durham, NH
- Janice Burgess of Manchester, NH
- Jennifer Burke-Guptill of Sanford, ME
- Laura Burkhart of Franklin, KY
- Martha Burnham of Milton, NH
- Rebekah Bushey of Fryeburg, ME
- Tristan Byrne of Northwood, NH
- Melanie Camelo of Pembroke, NH
- Phillip Capece of Dayton, OH
- Elisa Careggio of North Conway, NH
- Kerrie Caron of Derry, NH
- Molly Caron of Greenville, NH
- Jessie Carpenter of Dublin, NH
- Moira Casey of Manchester, NH
- Elizabeth Castrucci of Laconia, NH
- Phillip Caswell of Holloman AFB, NM
- Christopher Chhoeun of Nashua , NH
- Lani Chucta of Madbury, NH
- Gina Clairmont of Loudon, NH
- Shelby Clarke of Brentwood, NH
- Jillian Colbert of Chichester, NH
- Taylor Cole of Sanbornton, NH
- Adam Collier of Nashua, NH
- Holden Compton-Lujin of Brooklyn, NY
- William Connor of Goffstown, NH
- Rhonda Conover of Hillsboro, NH
- Mary Cordwell of Grantham, NH
- Nichole Cotton of Tamworth, NH
- Timothy Covey of Wichita Falls, TX
- Hailey Crawford of Merrimack, NH
- Chloe Croteau of Danville, NH
- Shelley-Ann Cullen of Danville, NH
- Erika Curley of Plymouth, NH
- Sydney Davie of Allenstown, NH
- Melissa Decowski of Litchfield, NH
- Katelin Dedeo of Dover, NH
- Jason Deleon Katz of Portsmouth, NH
- Rachel Denton of Sandown, NH
- Tyler Deschenes of Canterbury, NH
- Cassandra Descoteaux of Plymouth, NH
- Isabella Desimone of Merrimack, NH
- Yuneidy Desrosiers-Marte of Rochester, NH
- Thomas Digiantommaso of Manchester, NH
- Lisa Dillon of Chester, NH
- Thea Doyle of Greenfield, NH
- Lisa Doyon of Manchester, NH
- Cordell Drabble of Weare, NH
- Amy Drapeau of Berlin, NH
- Aspen Dyer of North Berwick, ME
- Ashanti EL-Amin of Manchester, NH
- Jamie Ennis of Manchester, NH
- Brendan Fallon of Strafford, NH
- Kelly Fan of Center Barnstead, NH
- Leah Ferguson of Hudson, NH
- Desiree Fernandes Gould of Farmington, NH
- Justin Fernandez of Amherst, NH
- Sean Flanagan of Manchester, NH
- Elizabeth Flowers of Merrimack, NH
- Crystal Franklin of Dover, NH
- Samantha French of Bath, NH
- Kimberly Gagne of Goffstown, NH
- Alexei Galevi of East Walpole, MA
- Courtney Gaudreau of Swanzey, NH
- Timothy Germain of Kathleen, GA
- Katie Gillis of Exeter, NH
- Jason Gilmore of Roslindale, MA
- Hannah Glesmann of Lakeville, MN
- Sophia Graff of Barrington, NH
- Nicole Graves of Mirror Lake, NH
- Joan Gravette of Goffstown, NH
- Lyndsay Greatbatch of Swanzey, NH
- Jessica Green of Hinsdale, NH
- Jill Greene of Exeter, NH
- Lee-Ann Gregg of Thornton, NH
- Sara Grozdanic of Franklin, NH
- Jon Gullage of Bennington, NH
- Jazmin Guyette of Hartford, VT
- Tabitha Haire of North Conway, NH
- Brent Haley of Sanbornville, NH
- Apollo Harden of Euless, TX
- Stephanie Harrington of Hillsboro, NH
- Molly Hatch of Rochester, NH
- Stacey Haug of Barrington, NH
- Mackenzie Hearl of Spring Valley, CA
- Kerri Henchey of South Berwick, ME
- Catherine Herbert of Claremont, NH
- Auburn Herrgesell of Nottingham, NH
- Brandon Hovious of Campbellsville, KY
- Amanda Hughes of Concord, NH
- Shelby Humphrey of Lisbon, NH
- Ethan Hunt of Dover, NH
- Kimberly Hurley of East Wakefield, NH
- Siuta Ika of Sterling City, TX
- Sundas Imtiaz of Dayton, OH
- Adriane Jacques of Somersworth, NH
- Christina Jameson of Concord, NH
- Wendie Johnson of Concord, NH
- Michelle Johnston of Concord, NH
- Kaitlyn Joyce of Canterbury, NH
- Melanie Kane of New Ipswich, NH
- Lori Karampatsos of Dover, NH
- Craig Kelley of Dumaguete
- Laura Kemmett of Conway, NH
- Jordan Kesel of Fairport, NY
- Hailey King of Durham, NH
- Jill Knowlton of Sanbornton, NH
- Jessie Kopec of Pelham, NH
- Amanda Kosakowski of West Newbury, VT
- Matthew Labrecque of Epsom, NH
- Carter Laforce of Rollinsford, NH
- Elizabeth Lambert of Greenville, NH
- Brienne Lamere of Epsom, NH
- Maryellen Lampel of Dover, NH
- Christina Langley of Northfield, NH
- Julia Langlois of Hampstead, NH
- Laura Leblanc of Moultonborough, NH
- Kate-Lynn Lee of Concord, NH
- Shayla Legendre of Candia, NH
- Carly Lemire of Hopkinton, NH
- Hailey Leroy of Derry, NH
- Rachel Lester of Newport, NH
- Morgan Little of Dover, NH
- Sarah Little of Dover, NH
- Brennen Lord of Newmarket, NH
- Kursten Lorrey of Hudson, NH
- Anna Lukacz of Portsmouth, NH
- Carson Lustenberger of Raymond, NH
- Derrick Luu of Portsmouth, NH
- Jeremiah Madden of Northwood, NH
- Nolan Maguire of Brentwood, NH
- Chantal Marcoux of Gorham, ME
- Angela Marino-Boynton of Bristol, NH
- Jennifer Markell of Manchester, NH
- Jessica Marro of Claremont, NH
- Cheyenne Marshall of Bedford, NH
- Dezarae Mcfarland of Saco, ME
- Ashley Mclaughlin of Ayer, MA
- Rebecca Mclaughlin of Weare, NH
- Seth Mclellan of Belmont, NH
- Alicia Melanson of Ashland, NH
- Kacey Merrill of Rochester, NH
- Lisa Miller of Berlin, NH
- Emma Mitulski of Groveton, NH
- Amanda Morang of Franklin, NH
- Misty Morang of Belmont, NH
- Kimberly Morris of Groveton, NH
- Kimberly Morse of Laconia, NH
- Shawna Murdough of Henniker, NH
- Ashley Murison of Lee, NH
- Leo Myskowski of Warner, NH
- Kaleigh Nelson of Franklin, NH
- Cassandra Newton of Nashua, NH
- Malene Nichols of York, ME
- Caitlyn Nickerson of Hudson, NH
- Heather Noyes of Weare, NH
- Shane O'Rourke of Lebanon, ME
- Katherine Oregel of Rochester, NH
- Samantha Pagliccia of Salem, NH
- Samantha Pare of Manchester, NH
- Bryce Parker of Hampton, NH
- Caitlin Pease of New Ipswich, NH
- Litah Pechenkov of Austin, TX
- Keeara Perez of Nashua, NH
- Eric Petit of Nashua, NH
- Jennifer Phipps of Merrimack, NH
- Kamil Pietras of Hampton, NH
- Roy Plunkett of Exeter, NH
- Amy Poitras of Rumney, NH
- Tami Porter of Everett, MA
- Megan Pratt of Bristol, NH
- Brittany Provencal of Pembroke, NH
- Kristofer Provencal of Weare, NH
- Callie Jo Quint of Rochester, NH
- April Rainville of Farmington, NH
- Venessa Ramirez of Rochester, NH
- Clarice Ramsdell of Lunenburg, VT
- Chase Rawson of Chester, VT
- Brian Raynes of Madbury, NH
- Vivian Reilly of Nashua, NH
- Kaitlin Requarth of Concord, NH
- Alexis Richer of Canaan, NH
- Natasha Rivard of Franklin, NH
- Pamela Rizzo of Hillsboro, NH
- Emily Ronda of Somersworth, NH
- Matthew Rosario of Nashua, NH
- Kristina Ross of Rochester, NH
- Hillary Rouleau of Swanzey, NH
- Sheri Roux of Northwood, NH
- Lura Sanborn of Contoocook, NH
- Margherita Savarese of Epping, NH
- Carrie Sawyer of Laconia , NH
- Anthony Scrima of Hollis, NH
- Deanna Scripture of Ossipee, NH
- Mckayla Shaw of Tilton, NH
- Nicholas Sherman of Rochester, NH
- Elaina Shinn of Bristol, NH
- Keenan Siegal of Simsbury, CT
- Chance Sigafoos of Bethlehem, PA
- Crystal Smith of Concord, NH
- Deonte Smith of North Las Vegas, NV
- Gina Smith of Claremont, NH
- Jasper Spiewak of Manchester, NH
- Michelle Springer-Blake of Charlestown, NH
- Storm St Jacques of Berlin, NH
- Jeremy Stauss of Birmingham, MI
- Walker Sullivan of East Saint Johnsbury, VT
- Alexander Swanson of Somersworth, NH
- Salome Sweeney-Storace of Peabody, MA
- Sabrina Swift of Nashua, NH
- Tapanga Tarr of Wolfeboro, NH
- Rebecca Tharp of Derry, NH
- Alexie Thomas of Manchester, NH
- Nicole Thomas of Hudson, NH
- Nicholas Thompson of Woodsville, NH
- Reigan Toof of Lebanon, ME
- Victoria Towle of Deering, NH
- Jesse Tucker of Canaan, NH
- Colleen Turcotte of Hampton, NH
- Kimberly Underhill of Piermont, NH
- Jonathane Ung of Jaffrey, NH
- Melanie Valley of Warner, NH
- Jeremy Van Dessel of Newmarket, NH
- Molly Vesey of Londonderry, NH
- Heather Vitale of Tilton, NH
- Dakotah Vondrasek of Exeter, NH
- Morgan Wagstaff of Woodsville, NH
- Timothy Weatherford of Charlestown, NH
- Johanna Weed of Center Harbor, NH
- Sarah Welch of Pittsburgh, PA
- Nicci Welsh of Arlington, VA
- Jasmyn Wilkinson of Newport, NH
- Janelle Wilson of North Conway, NH
- Melissa Winters of Alexandria, NH
- Christina Young of Rochester, NH